Velvet Red Amaryllis Bouquet


The Green meaning of Amaryllis: to sparkle.

Give the regal Amaryllis bouquet this Christmas and add a bit sparkle to your Christmas.

Amaryllis, pussywillow, hypericum, waxflower, fern, thlaspi and golden leylandii.

Flowers & foliage’s used are subject to availability, if any are unavailable we will substitute it to something similar and of the same value.

*This bouquet requires 24hours between ordering to allow stock to be purchased*



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Finalist for Best Florist in Dorset with Muddy Stilettos Awards 2024

We're in the finals - eek!

We need your vote!

We’re now a FINALIST forΒ BEST FLORIST in Dorset, Somerset & Bristol with the Muddy Stilettos Awards. Your vote would mean the absolute world to us. Click below to vote for Bright Blooms Floral Boutique in Shaftesbury.