Seasonal Handtied Bouquet


A selection of beautiful blooms expertly chosen and put together ready to be placed straight into a vase.

No flower is the exactly the same and neither are our bouquets, which makes them truly unique. We change our flower stand daily to keep things exciting. You can choose your colour scheme, punchy brights or subtle pastels – which ever suits the occasion! 

Each one of our handtied bouquets are wrapped in our brown recyclable paper, adorned with a coloured silk  bow and a Bright Blooms stamp and come with flower food and a small card with your message hand-written by us.

Please note that as flowers are seasonal and the florist’s choice will reflect this.
Our flower choices regularly change to keep things exciting, follow the seasons and ensure the freshest quality. Reusable and recyclable packing

*Photographed is the large size bouquet*


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Finalist for Best Florist in Dorset with Muddy Stilettos Awards 2024

We're in the finals - eek!

We need your vote!

We’re now a FINALIST for BEST FLORIST in Dorset, Somerset & Bristol with the Muddy Stilettos Awards. Your vote would mean the absolute world to us. Click below to vote for Bright Blooms Floral Boutique in Shaftesbury.