01747 854483


Spring has Sprung


Spring is springing in this delightful bouquet.

A wonderful luxury treat for this time of year, which will brighten up anyone’s day.

Tulips, daisies, iris, narcissus, stocks, anemones and ranunculus.

Available as bright of pastel mixture.

Photographed is the medium size bouqute.

*Any blooms or colours which are not available will be substituted with an alternative of the same value and quality*


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Finalist for Best Florist in Dorset with Muddy Stilettos Awards 2024

We're in the finals - eek!

We need your vote!

We’re now a FINALIST for BEST FLORIST in Dorset, Somerset & Bristol with the Muddy Stilettos Awards. Your vote would mean the absolute world to us. Click below to vote for Bright Blooms Floral Boutique in Shaftesbury.